Campus Directory: Andy Hurly

University of Lethbridge

Andy Hurly


BSc (Zoology, Honours), University of Toronto; MSc (Biology, Female competition in red-winged blackbirds) Queen's University; PhD (Biology, Patters of food hoarding by red squirrels: implications for foraging theory and management), Queen's University


Behavioural ecology, cognitive ecology, animal behaviour, environmental impacts, foraging, risk-sensitivity, choices, rationality, spatial memory, avian community, riparian ecology



Principles of Ecology (Biology 2200)
Vertebrate Zoology (Biology 3530)
Prairie Conservation (Biology 3610)
Fundamentals of Environmental Science (Env. Sci. 2000)
Behavioural Ecology (Biology 4850)


Foraging behaviour of mammals and birds.. Animal behaviour, especially the cognitive ecology of foraging and spatial orientation in birds, mammals and fish. Impacts of cattle grazing and water diversions on avian communities. Using fish behaviour to assess pollution risks from chemicals such as pesticides and pharmaceuticals.

Recent Publications

Morgan, K.V, Hurly, T.A. and Healy, S.D. (2014). Individual differences in decision making by foraging hummingbirds. Behavioural Processes 109: 195-200.

Samuels, M., Hurly, T.A. and Healy, S.D. (2014). Colour cues facilitate learning flower refill schedules in wild hummingbirds. Behavioural Processes 109: 157-163.

Hornsby, M.A.W., Hurly, T.A., Hamilton, C.E., Pritchard, D.J. and Healy, S.D. (Online 28 Oct., 2014). Wild, free-living rufous hummingbirds do not use geometric cues in a spatial task. Behavioural Processes . DOI: 10.1016/j.beproc.2014.10.003

Tello-Ramos, M.C, Hurly, T.A. and Healy, S.D. (2014). Female hummingbirds do not relocate rewards using colour cues. Animal Behaviour. 93:129-133.

Hurly, T. A., Fox, T.A.O., Zwueste, D.M. and Healy, S.D. (2014). Wild hummingbirds rely on landmarks not geometry when learning an array of flowers. Animal Cognition. 17:1157-1165.

Flores-Abreau, I.N., Hurly, T.A., Ainge, J.A., Healy, S.D. (2014). Three-dimensional space: locomotory style explains memory differences in rats and hummingbirds. Proc Roy Soc B. 281: 0140301

Jelbert, S.A, Hurly, T.A., Marshall, R.E.S., Healy, S.D. (2014). Wild, free-living hummingbirds can learn what happened, where and in which context. Animal Behaviour. 89:185-189.

Marshall, R.E.S., Hurly, T.A., Sturgeon, J., Shuker, D.M., Healy, S.D. (2013). What, where and when: deconstructing memory. Proc Roy Soc B. 280:20132194.

Bailey, I.E., Segelbacher, G., Healy, S.D., Hurly, T.A., Pemberton, J. (2013). Microsatellite variation in rufous hummingbirds and evidence for a weakly structured population. Journal of Ornithology. 154(4):1029-1037.

Flores-Abreau, I.N., Hurly, T.A, Healy, S.D. (2013). Three-dimensional spatial learning in hummingbirds. Animal Behaviour. 85:579-584.

Healy, S.D., Hurly, T.A. (2013). What hummingbirds can tell us about cognition in the wild. Comparative Cognition & Behavior Reviews. 8:13-28.

Flores-Abreau, I.N., Hurly, T.A, Healy, S.D. (2012). One-trial spatial learning: wild hummingbirds relocate a rewarding location after a single visit. Animal Cognition.

Marshall, R.E.S., Hurly, T.A., Healy, S.D. (2012). Do a flower's features help hummingbirds to learn its contents and refill rate? Animal Behaviour. .

Morgan, K.V., Hurly, T.A., Bateson, M., Asher, L., Healy, S.D. (2012). Context-dependent decisions among options varying in a single dimension. Behavioural Processes. 89: 115-120.

Bacon, I.E, Hurly, T.A. and Healy, S.D. (2011). Hummingbirds choose not to rely on good taste: information use during foraging. Behavioural Ecology. 22:471-477.

Bacon, I.E, Hurly, T.A. and Healy, S.D. (2010). Both the past and the present affect risk-sensitive decisions of foraging hummingbirds. Behavioral Ecology. 21:626-632.

Hurly, T. A., Franz, S. and Healy, S.D. (2010). Do rufous hummingbirds(Selasphorus rufus) use visual beacons? Animal Cognition. 13:377-383.

Henderson, J, Hurly, T. A. and Healy, S.D. (2006). Spatial relational learning in rufous hummingbirds, (Selasphorus rufus). Animal Cognition. 9:201-205.

Henderson, J, Hurly, T. A., Bateson, M. and Healy, S.D. (2006). Timing in free-living rufous hummingbirds, Selasphorus rufus. Current Biology. 16:512-515.

Healy, S.D. and Hurly, T. A. (2004). Spatial learning and memory in birds. Brain Behavior and Evolution. 63:211-220.

Hurly, T. A. (2003) The twin-threshold model: risk-intermediate foraging by rufous hummingbirds. Animal Behaviour in press.

Bateson, M., Healy, S. D. and Hurly, T. A. Context-dependent foraging decisions in rufous hummingbirds. Proc. Roy. Soc. B 270:1271-1276.

Biernaskie, J. M., Cartar, R. V. and Hurly. T. A. (2002). Risk-averse inflorescence departure in hummingbirds and bumble bees: Could plants benefit from variable nectar volumes? Oikos 98:98-104.

Hurly, T. A. & Healy, S. D. (2002) Spatial pattern learning by rufous hummingbirds. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 28:209-223.

Bateson, M., Healy, S. D., & Hurly, T. A. (2002). Irrational choices in hummingbird foraging behaviour. Animal Behaviour. 63:587-596.

Hurly, T.A., Scott, R. D. & Healy S. D. (2001). The function of displays of male rufous hummingbirds. Condor. 103:647-651.

Henderson, J, Hurly, T. A. & Healy, S. D. (2001). Rufous hummingbirdsŐ memory for flowers. Animal Behaviour 61:981-986.

Other Interests

canoeing, hiking, natural history, photography, hunting, dog training

Current Research and Creative Activity

TitleLocationGrant InformationPrincipal InvestigatorCo Researchers
Cognitive Ecology of Foraging Behaviour Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), $24,000/year, 2003-08.

Hurly, University of Lethbridge

Previous Research

TitleGrant AgencyCompletion Date
Linking Dynamic Processes and Ecosystem Integrity Alberta Ingenuity Centre for Water Research 2005
Biodiversity and Winter Ecology Alberta Cows and Fish Program 2007

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