Mahfooz Ansari
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MA (Industrial & Organizational Psychology), Patna University, India; MA (Industrial & Organizational Psychology), University of Kansas, USA; PhD (Industrial & Organizational Psychology),Patna University, IndiaExpertise
Leadership, Leader-Member Exchange (LMX), Social Power and Influence, Managerial SuccessResearch Areas
Leader-member exchange (LMX), Social power and influence, Cross-cultural aspects of leadership and influence, Consequences of fair/unfair organizational practices, Managerial SuccessPrevious Research Areas
Leadership, Leader-Member Exchange, Social Influence TacticsAbout Me
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Mahfooz A. Ansari (PhD) is a Professor Emeritus in the Dhillon School of Business (AACSB Accredited) of the University of Lethbridge (U of L), Canada. He Chaired the International Management Area from 2015-2018, and HRM & OS Area from 2009 to 2013. Prior to his current academic rank of professor at the U of L, he held faculty positions at several other academic institutions including the University Science Malaysia, the UIA International University Malaysia, the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, the University of Magadh, and A.N.S. Institute of Social Studies Patna. He also held visiting professorship positions at several institutions including the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, the King Abdul Aziz University Jeddah, the UIA International University Malaysia, the University of Malaya Malaysia, the University Institute of Technology MARA Malaysia, the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, the North-Eastern Regional Institute of Management Guwahati, and the University of Calicut.Dr. Ansari is a recipient of several recognitions and awards. These include the Fulbright Hays Award (1978) and Excellent Service Recognition by the University Science Malaysia (2004). He was named a 2009-2011 University of Lethbridge "University Scholar," the first from the Dhillon School of Business since 1967. He received several awards from the Academy of Management, including the Carolyn Dexter Best Paper Award (2004), the Best Paper from an Under-represented Country Award (2004), the Carolyn Dexter Best Paper Award Finalist (2005), the Carolyn Dexter Best International Paper Award Finalist (2006), and the selection of two papers as among the Best International Papers (2007, 2011). As well, he received an Outstanding Paper Award at the Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence (2011).
Dr. Ansari is a member of the Academy of Management, Academy of International Business, American Psychological Association, Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Canadian Psychological Association, Canadian Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology, European Association of Work & Organizational Psychology, and International Leadership Association, and is listed in the Harvard International Directory of Business and Management Scholars.
Dr. Ansari has over 35 years of active teaching, consultancy, and research experience in the fields of Leadership, Organizational Behavior, Human Resources Management, and Cross-cultural Management. His current program of research focuses on leadership and spins around three interrelated streams of research: (a) The Power-Influence Approach to Leadership, (b) Leader-Member Exchange (LMX), and (c) the Cultural Context of Leadership and Social Influence. He has authored two books--"Managing People at Work" and "Managing Dyadic Interactions in Organizational Leadership"—both published by Sage in 1990 and 2000, respectively. He has collaborated with researchers in more than 40 countries around the world, published more than 85 refereed journal articles and book chapters, and has delivered over 80 invited presentations and over 150 presentations at several professional meetings in the United States, Canada, India, Japan, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, France, Germany, Spain, Australia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Macau, Taiwan, Turkey, Switzerland, Norway, and Pakistan--See details at: He has authored papers in his field's most prestigious, diverse outlets, including Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Journal of International Business Studies, Human Relations, Management and Organization Review, Journal of Business Ethics, Leadership & Organization Development Journal, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, and Journal of Social Psychology. His current and past editorial activities include serving on the Editorial Review Boards of the Journal of World Business, Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, Cross Cultural & Strategic Management, FWU Journal of Social Sciences, and Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research. As per Google Scholar, his work has been highly visible and widely cited over 3,200 times (over 1100 since 2017), his h-index (i.e., number of publications with at least 30 citations each) is 29 (18 since 2018), and his i10-index (i.e., number of publications with at least 10 citations each) is 45 (25 since 2018)--see Google citations: As well, his work has been read or downloaded over 105,500 times at
Dr. Ansari teaches courses at graduate and undergrad levels in the areas of leadership, organizational behavior, cross-cultural management, and data management & statistical techniques. He has supervised some 25 Doctoral Dissertations (leading to PhD/DBA degrees) and over 60 Master's theses (leading to MBA/MSc degrees). He conducts consulting and training programs on a fairly, regular basis with MNCs and government sectors.
Dr. Ansari earned his master's and doctorate degrees in Psychology (in Industrial & Organizational Psychology area) from the University of Kansas and Patna University, respectively.
Mailing Address: Dhillon School of Business, The University of Lethbridge, M4071 Markin Hall, 4401 University Drive West, Lethbridge, AB T1K 3M4, Canada [Tel: 403-329-2069403-329-2069; Fax: 403-329-2038]
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