Campus Directory: Theresa Burg

University of Lethbridge

Theresa Burg
Biological Sciences Department
Office: WE1044 (Alberta Water & Env Science Bldg)
Phone: (403) 332-5299
Environmental Science
Office: WE1044 (Alberta Water & Env Science Bldg)
Phone: (403) 332-5299
Room: WE1026 (Alberta Water & Env Science Bldg)
Phone: (403) 332-5213


BSc (Biology), UBC; MSc (Biology), UBC; PhD (Zoology), University of Cambridge


Molecular ecology (birds), the role of physical and non-physical barriers in the evolution of high latitude species, namely birds, how individuals isolated in ice-free refugia during the last glaciation expanded into previously glaciated areas as the climate warmed, and how their dispersal was affected by barriers


PhD Zoology, University of Cambridge

Molecular Ecology

Selected Publications

Recent Publications

Google Scholar page:

Lait, L.A., V.L. Friesen, A.J. Gaston and T.M. Burg (2012) The post-Pleistocene population genetic structure of a western North American passerine: The chestnut-backed chickadee (Poecile rufescens). Journal of Avian Biology 43:541-552.

Lait, L.A., R.F. Lauff and T.M. Burg (2012) Genetic evidence supports boreal chickadee (Poecile hudsonicus) x black-capped chickadee (Poecile atricapillus) hybridisation in Atlantic Canada. Canadian Field Naturalist 126(2):143-147.

Burg, T.M. and R.F. Lauff (2012) An anomalous northern saw-whet owl (Aegolius acadicus) egg. Canadian Field Naturalist 126:41-45.

Hale, M.L., T.M. Burg and T.E. Steeves (2012) Sampling for microsatellite-based population genetic studies: 25 to 30 individuals per population is enough. PLoS ONE 7(9): e45170.

Pravosudov, V.V., M.L. Forister, T.C. Roth II, L.D. LaDage, T.M. Burg, M.J. Braun, and B.S. Davidson (2012) Population genetic structure and its implications for adaptive variation in memory and the hippocampus on a continental scale in food-caching black-capped chickadee. Molecular Ecology 21:4486-4497.

Pulgarín-Restrepo, P.C. and T.M. Burg (2012) Genetic signals of demographic expansion in downy woodpecker (Picoides pubescens) after the last North American glacial maximum. PLoS ONE 7(7): e40412.

Burg, T.M. and A.B. Martin (2012) No island hopping for Hawaiian petrels. News and Commentary for Heredity invited 109:4-5.

Graham, B. and T.M. Burg (2012) Molecular markers provide insights into contemporary and historic gene flow in a non-migratory species. Journal of Avian Biology 43:198-214.

Grava A., T. Grava, R. Didier, L.A. Lait, J. Dosso, E. Koran, T.M. Burg and K.A. Otter (2012) Interspecific dominance and hybridization between black-capped chickadee and mountain chickadee. Behavioral Ecology 23(3):566-572.

Rains, D., H. Weimerskirch and T.M. Burg (2011) Piecing together the global population puzzle of wandering albatrosses: Genetic analysis of the Amsterdam albatross. Journal of Avian Biology 42:69-79.

Research Interests

I use molecular markers to study various evolutionary and ecological aspects of natural populations and how they relate to physical (e.g. glaciers) and non-physical (e.g. foraging patterns) barriers. Much of my research focuses on vertebrates examining a range of topics from mating systems, hybridization, population structure and systematics.

Current Research and Creative Activity

TitleLocationGrant InformationPrincipal InvestigatorCo Researchers
Evolution of High Latitude Birds Natural Sciences and Engineering Council, $115,500, 5 years.

Theresa Burg, University of Lethbridge
Evolution of Resident Forest Birds Alberta Ingenuity, $276,975, 3 years.

Theresa Burg, University of Lethbridge
High Throughput DNA Laboratory Natural Sciences and Engineering Council, $82,763.

Theresa Burg, University of Lethbridge
Infrastructure for Molecular Evolutionary Ecology Laboratory Alberta Government Small Equipment Grant, $59,378.

Canadian Foundation for Innovation, $79,171.

Theresa Burg, University of Lethbridge

Previous Research

TitleGrant AgencyCompletion Date
Population Differentiation in Seabirds Chateaubriand Postdoctoral Fellowship, French Embassy 2005
Mechanisms of differentiation in birds on the Queen Charlotte Islands Natural Sciences and Engineering Council 2004

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