Campus Directory: Patrick Wilson

University of Lethbridge

Patrick Wilson
Modern Languages and Linguistics Department
Office: C510 (University Hall)
Phone: (403) 329-2523
Fax: (403) 380-1855


BA (Philosophy & Anthropology), Augustana College, Illinois; Graduate Certificate (Latin American Studies), University of Pittsburgh; PhD, University of Pittsburgh


Political economy, Indigeneity, Fair Trade, NGOs and Development, Indigenous Social Movements, Race, Ethnicity and Identity, Ethno-nationalism, Gender and Development, Geographic Areas: Ecuador, Colombia, Amazon, Andes, Spain

Research Areas

Fair Trade, Indigenous Social Movements, NGOs and development, indigeneity, gender and development

Previous Research Areas

Indigenous social movements, NGOs and development, neoliberalism, state-society relations, extractive economies, Andes, Amazon, Ecuador

Office Hours

Tuesday 9:15 AM to 10:30 AM
Thursday 9:15 AM to 10:30 AM


BA (1992) - Philosophy and Anthropology - Augustana College, Illinois
Graduate Certificate (2002) - Latin American Studies - University of Pittsburgh
PhD (2002) - University of Pittsburgh

Selected Publications

In Press. Wilson, Patrick C. "Organizaciones Indígenas, ONGs, y la Cultura como Recurso en la Amazonia Ecuatoriana." IN Margarita Chaves and Carlos del Cairo, eds. Perspectivas antropológicas sobre la Amazonia contemporánea. Bogota: Instituto Colombiano de Antropología y la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.

2010 Wilson, Patrick C. Federaciones Indígenas, ONGs y el Estado: El Desarollo y la Politicización de la Cultura en la Amazonia Ecuatoriana. Quito: Ediciones Abya-Yala.

2010 Hutchins, Frank and Patrick C. Wilson. Editing Eden: A Reconsideration of Identity, Politics, and Place in Amazonia. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.

2010 Wilson, Patrick C. "Indigenous Leadership and the Shifting Politics of Development in Ecuador's Amazon" IN Frank Hutchins and Patrick C. Wilson, eds. Editing Eden: A Reconsideration of Identity, Politics, and Place in Amazonia. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.

2010 Wilson, Patrick C. "Fair Trade Craft Production and Indigenous Economies: Reflections on 'Acceptable' Indigeneities" IN Sarah Lyon and Mark Moberg, eds. What's Fair? Environmental and Social Justice Through Markets. New York University Press.

2009. McAllister, Carol L., Tammy L. Thomas, Patrick C. Wilson, and Beth L. Green. "'Root Shock' Revisited: Perspectives of Early Head Start Mothers on Community and Policy Environments and Their Affect on Child Health, Development, and School-Readiness." American Journal of Public Health

2008. Wilson, Patrick C. "Neoliberalism, Indigeneity, and Social Engineering in Ecuador's Amazon." Critique of Anthropology, 28(2): 127-144.

2007. Wilson, Patrick C. "The Cultural Politics of Race and Ethnicity." IN Harry Sanabria (primary author). The Cultural Anthropology of Latin America and the Caribbean. New York: Allyn and Bacon.

2005. McAllister, Carol L., Patrick C. Wilson, Beth L. Green, and Jennifer L. Baldwin. " 'Come and Take a Walk': Listening to Early Head Start Parents on School Readiness as a Matter of Child, Family, and Community Health." American Journal of Public Health.

2004. McAllister, Carol L., Patrick C. Wilson, and Jeffrey Burton. "From Sports Fans to Nurturers: And Early Head Start Program's Evolution Toward Father Involvement." Fathering: A Journal of Theory, Research, and Practice About Men as Fathers.

2003. Wilson, Patrick C. "Market Articulation and Poverty Eradication? Critical Reflection on Tourist-Oriented Craft Production in Amazonian Ecuador." IN Robyn Eversole, ed. Here to Help: NGOs Combating Poverty in Latin America. New York: M.E. Sharpe, Inc.

2003. Wilson, Patrick C. "Ethnographic Museums and Cultural Commodification: Indigenous Organizations, NGOs, and Culture as Resource in Amazonian Ecuador." Latin American Perspectives 30(1): 162-180.

2003. Roper, J. Montgomery, Thomas Perreault, and Patrick C. Wilson. "Introduction: New Indigenous Transformational Movements in the Andes." Latin American Perspectives 30(1): 5-22.

Research Interests

Political Economy
NGOs and Development
Social Movements and Resistance
Race and Ethnicity
Gender and Development

Geographic Areas: Ecuador, Colombia, Amazon, Andes

Current Research and Creative Activity

TitleLocationGrant InformationPrincipal InvestigatorCo Researchers
Fair Trade, Indigeneity, and the Cultural Politics of Development University of Lethbridge Research Fund Envelope, $4,500, 2006.

Patrick C. Wilson, Department of Anthropology, University of Lethbridge
Transnational Fair Trade, Indigeneity, and the Cultural Politics of Development Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, $91,551, 2008-11.

University of Lethbridge Internal Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Grant, $4,500, 2007.

Patrick C. Wilson, Department of Anthropology, University of Lethbridge

Previous Research

TitleGrant AgencyCompletion Date
Understanding Faculty-Student Interaction in the Classroom and the Institutional and Cultural Components of Student Learning in Higher Education University of Lethbridge Teaching Development Fund Grant 2005
Indigenous Peoples, Multinational Oil, and the State in Amazonian Ecuador University of Lethbridge Internal Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Grant 2004

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